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Turn Visits Into Experiences with Mappedin Directory

Sep 30, 2024

3 min read

By: Mandy Tang

Creating an unforgettable experience isn’t just a nice-to-have anymore—it’s essential, no matter the venue. From malls to airports, visitors are showing up with a purpose, and it’s up to venues to make their visit count.

Directories today are often outdated or incomplete. Updating PDF maps is time-consuming, costly and is limited in what you can show. And when there’s no directory at all? Guests get lost, confused, or end up trying to locate staff for help.

As a leader in indoor mapping powering over one-third of the world’s malls, we’re excited to share how Mappedin Directory can help turn visits into experiences.

A directory built for your needs

Our team has been continually refining and enhancing our directory solutions. We’ve simplified exploring venues, developed a comprehensive information hub, delivered better insights into visitor experiences, and offered new ways to promote locations and services. 

Make exploring easy for your visitors

Mappedin Directory is designed to be extremely user-friendly and intuitive, allowing visitors to find their way with ease while discovering new areas of your venue.

You can now:

  • Navigate with landmarks: Provide visitors with clear, step-by-step directions that use recognizable landmarks as intuitive hints. 

  • Guide from directory to mobile: Direct visitors from your directory to their phones with simple QR code scan. 

  • Instruct in multiple languages: Make your space a destination for everyone with over 40 supported languages and accessible navigation. 

  • Make anything searchable: Allow visitors to find what they need in seconds with powerful search features.

Provide a one-stop shop for information

Our directory is more than just a navigation tool; it’s a comprehensive information hub for visitors. Help free up your teams from distractions with: 

  • Exclusive events: Go beyond guiding your guests and elevate your indoor experience by sharing exciting promotions and events.

  • In-depth location details: Inform your guests about store hours and other location details with the help of profile cards.  

  • World-class designs: Create maps with designs that are built to handle the world’s biggest venues.

Gain better insights on your visitors

Understanding visitor behavior is crucial for a venue to tailor its offerings and services. Our updated directory provides venue operators with valuable insights to:

  • Understand your visitors: Know your customer journey by measuring engagement and interactions.

  • Analyze search data: Learn what visitors are searching for and identify new opportunities to better serve your guests.

  • Measure performance: Understand how your ads and directory perform to improve your opportunities.

Generate additional revenue with ads 

Promoting key locations and services has never been easier. Mappedin Directory enables venues to easily market and promote with:

  • Display ads of any size: Offer opportunities to highlight brands, products, and services with banners or full-screen ad placements.

  • Highlighted sponsor locations: Prioritize locations on your home screen to allow for sponsored content.

  • Promoted search results: Allow for stores, amenities, or services to boost their visibility by purchasing top search placement.

Stay tuned for more as we continue to innovate and bring the best in indoor mapping and navigation solutions.

For more information on our latest updates, visit our blog and the Mappedin Directory page. Contact us for more information on how to upgrade to this latest release.